Our Experts Used Their Grout Cleaning Skills To Revamp This Kitchen Floor in Sarasota
March 20, 2024
A homeowner in Sarasota was thankful for all the space in her kitchen area and had always managed to keep the room in top condition, no matter how hectic things got throughout the day. The only exception came when she found it impossible to get rid of the dirt on the floor's grout.
In time, all the grout lines had darkened, ultimately making the kitchen floor look duller and neglected. The homeowner knew that the kitchen would never meet her cleaning standards with the grout in such a state, so she decided to look for a grout cleaning service in Sarasota. Finding the solution was surprisingly easy since Sir Grout Sarasota was the first company she came across online and after visiting our website, the homeowner could see why. She also had no trouble contacting our crew for an in-home evaluation, so our specialists visited her house only two days later, as she'd requested during our phone call.
Once in the kitchen, our techs made several laps around the area and looked at all the grout lines to make sure nothing got past them. The grout definitely needed work, with layers of dirt firmly stuck to the surface and concealing its original color. The client knew that foot traffic and other external elements had played a part in the floor's deterioration, but she was surprised to learn that the problem had also been heightened by some of the cleaners she'd used. Our experts explained that soap-based cleaners don't have much to offer when used against embedded dirt. Instead, these products keep the dirt trapped under a foamy film, and no amount of scrubbing can make a difference at that point. The effect was also visible in the ceramic tiles and the marks left by old stains. The colors looked muted, making the grout look even less appealing at a glance.
Our techs knew how to address all these issues so they went over their restoration methods with the client. They explained each step of the process and guaranteed that they had the most advanced equipment to ensure lasting results. The homeowner was thoroughly convinced and she took the chance to schedule a new appointment at the end of their visit.
A couple of days later, our specialists returned to her home in Sarasota. After applying the product across the entire kitchen floor, they began by removing the dirt with a surface-safe cleaner. With the help of a high-speed scrubbing machine, our techs completed this step fairly quickly, and our product's cleaning power left the floor looking shinier and closer to its original look.
At this point, it was time to seal the grout so our crew applied ColorSeal to all the grout lines on the floor. Sir Grout's acrylic-based sealant keeps the grout's porous surface from absorbing liquids, food residue, mold, and other external elements. It's also available in multiple colors to make the result match the homeowner's expectations in terms of looks. Our experts used a beige sealant at the client's request, and the result improved the floor's overall appearance.
At the end of the restoration, our techs buffed the floor and called the client back into the kitchen to show her the result. She was ecstatic and her joy only increased as she saw the grout up close. She also couldn't wait for her family to see it since the kitchen finally met all her standards.
Before leaving the client's home, our experts listed some additional cleaning pointers. They explained how pH-neutral products like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner are a simpler, more effective solution to remove kitchen stains. You can trust our cleaner to get rid of food residue, spills, grease, and other elements like mud shoe prints. There's no need to use other products because you get all the cleaning power you need. Our techs also recommended using non-abrasive tools and washing each tool separately before using them again.
Don't let a dirty floor ruin your day! Sir Grout Sarasota is ready to help you revamp your living spaces. We know how hard it is to keep your kitchen in top condition while dealing with a soiled grout so our techs offer amazing restoration services to help you along the way. Just call (941) 289-3899 or schedule a free quote online to request an appointment. You can also subscribe to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss our latest promotions and updates. Contact Sir Grout Sarasota and discover the ideal solution for your tile and grout surfaces!